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Winter Stories Studio

One Man's Journey into VR

Home: Welcome
Virtual Reality Device

About My Business

Hi! My Name is Mike Kolb and I'm the founder and sole member of Winter Stories Studio. I founded this company years ago and have launched several mobile phone apps on iOS and Android. but i wanted to do more than just simple phone games. and from the moment i slipped on my first Oculus Rift headset i knew this was where i wanted to be. My first Oculus game "Goldwater: Deputy trainer" is available now on the oculus rift store.

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This is your Video Section. It’s a great place to showcase your latest release through an attractive clip of your game in action. Videos are a great way to show users what your product is all about. Write essential information to complement your game, such as its genre, or its release date, and anything else you’d like to include.

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Studio Highlights


Goldwater : Deputy Trainer

Available now!

For my first VR game i wanted to keep it simple. While trying to come up with an idea i kept coming back to my favorite memories as a kid playing games at our local video game arcade. I really wanted to recreate the feeling of beating your highscore, or knocking your friend of the leaderboard.

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